Recently you have been asked to further investigate your biography subject using additional print resources as well as electronic resources.
Which resource was easier to use to find information about your person?
Thinking about print vs. electronic, list and describe two advantages and two disadvantages for each specific to your topic.
I noticed that many of you found success in using both print and electronic resources. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as to why and how they impact your research in different ways. Happy blogging!
I feel that my person was easirer to find in a electronic source. I think this because i could only find Rosa parks in i book in the print sources and i found whole pages of facts and stuff on rosa parks.
When I was researching Louis Armstrong, I found that print and electronis resources were about equally helpful. The reason is probably that he is really popular, so there's alot of people who write about him. Print: adv:have to read it all which you get more from Disadvantage:look through a lot of books so they're harder to find.
Electronic: adv: there's a lot of information on the internet by many people, you dopnt have to look very far Disadvantage:you have to be careful what you read because people can post anything they want online so it might not be true.
I preffered electronic materials over Print because it was easier to find and I could check the information with other sources easier. Also it was easier ro find specific information like bating averages and dates.
i think my person was easier to find on the computer so electronic sorce. I know this because there were many sites on nat turner that were used by the government and other things.
I think it is help full to explore a varity of resources because you dont know if the resources are bias or are not bias. IT is also good because you could compare many different resources
i preffered eletronic because i find the information you want comes in alot faster and there is also alot of source's of information on the internet. while in print it is very boring and pale.I think you should stay to one resource when doing a project. I think this because other things may take you're subject off and mess you up.
For my person i could find it under both print and electronic i say this because it took me about 2 mins to find a book on Aaliyah and about 4 mins to find her on the internet maybe it's because she died i don't know but it was easy.
I honestly fon't really like this question more then the others but oh well. My person Annie Oakley was to my opinion easier to find on a computer. I think this b/c the computer is easier and faster find info. then books a stuff, but the computer can be a tricky resource b/c anyone can write anything the want at anytime and anybody can read and bielieve it. That is why it is good to use both resources.
Researching J.K. Rowling was easier on the internet than in the library. She is very new in the entertaining world so books were not updated. Also, on the internet there were many sites about Harry Potter which was distracting. But i still found the internet easier.
My person was easier to find in print because it had everything i needed for the project. Yes I think it is a varietey to do different kind of research because it can say one thing in the internet and one thing in print
I read about Adolf Hitler. It appeared that print resources were more effective for finding information. I needed alot of detail for my subject because not alot of people know the logistics of his actions and view-points. Print resources would tend to be more detailed, and they proved the more logical choice for my research subject.
My person was easier to find on the internet than in a print source probably because people find it easier to put something on the internet than write a book about one person. I think it's a good idea to use a different variety of resources because you can find different things on a person. You can most likely find more in a book, and you know that it's not going to be untrue, but it's faster to go on the internet and look someone up.
I think using the print was easier to use to research queen elizabeth II beacuse in the print the information would be correct than in the internet. In the internet people could say what ever they want to say about her while in the print they would have to say what's true espicially if the queen was to read it.
As I researched Firoozeh Dumas I thought the electronic resource was more successful for my boigraphy. I found out more about my person because in the print resource i found information but there was not alot of detail about certain events that my author has experienced.
My biography person i think was easir to find in print material rather than electronic sources. This is because on the internet alot of pages come up and it might not be the information you are looking for. Also the information on the internet is very time consuming and you might have to go through alot of pages to get what your looking for. In the text you could look through the index or glossary to find what your looking for. Its also more conveniant.
Steve Irwin is an interesting person. When I was researching him I thought that he was easier to find out about in electronic because they had many non-biased pages.
I feel that my person was easy to find on the computer but hard to find what exactly i needed. Like when i was trying to look up a quote that he made about his book all this stuff kept coming up about his different types of books. so i think it kind of was hard but then it got easier.
Electronic helped me alot more because the shark attacked didnt happen that long ago so there wasnt alot of books. But on the internet there was alot of things i could read about her because she was all over the internet when it happened, but i really enjoyed reading about her.
i found out that prin is easier to look for and had all i needed to find my research.i dont like the electronic because when you go on the computer you can get false stuff and with print it is the real deal.
Overall I think that print is more informational than than electronic because when you use electonic materials you dont get as accurate information as you would when you use a print resource.I like print more because i love to read and when you use the internet you get all kinds of info. vs. print where there is only one source.
In my opinion, it was easier and more informative to find information using electronic resources more than print. I think this is because electronic can be updated everytime something new happens with the person, while with print once its printed its there and can't be changed.
I thought that my person was easier to find during the electronic research source because there wasn't many books that I could find on Princess Diana. When I got on the computer I was able to find more about Diana.
I think that electronic sorces are better than print recorces because if you have a unique person like mine, theres a chance that the books here won't have your person. the web offers more resorses and a bigger comunity of people
i found that my person was easier to find my person using electronic resources because there was much more info on abraham lincoln on the web than there was in my biography or all the printed resources in the library. Typing Abe lincoln on google showed over 9 million websites and stuff.
yes i think its helpful to explore a variety of resources when doing research because you can compare what different resources have to say about the topic and see how different or similar each resource is.
My person was easier to find in print electronic resources because the print recources did'nt have Jack mendelbaum in print very much only had other teenagers that was in the Halocaust.
my person was easier to find in print resources because my person is dead and has been that way for a long time 53 years therefore there has been lots of time to make books about him
I think electronic was easier than print, because the information came a lot faster and quicker to read. the internet sums the infromation up so you can understand all the information faster and quicker. Than if you were to us a print materials. I rather use electronic materials. Also it is fun to use and a book is boring to read. and more kids like to read stuff off the computer than to sit down and read a book.
I truly think that electronic research is better because I tried finding Steve Young in print and I didn't find anything on my topic. When I typed in Steve Young in the Google and I found and the website told me everything about Steve Young
While researching Elizabeth Blackwell, I found it easier to find her in various print resources. I mainly used the encyclopedias and my biography to find my information. Elizabeth Blackwell died about ninety eight years ago, so that was a pretty long time ago. She made history and was famous for being the first woman doctor, so a lot of people would want to write about her. I checked in all of the encyclopedias and she was in all of them. The internet is big and sometimes hard to find information on, because there is just so much of it. The encyclopedias are right there and have specific information for a specific subject. Even though I liked the print resources a lot more than the electronic resources, I think it is important to use both of them. There could be information that one resource has that the other does not. The internet usually has more updated information as well, so it is important to use that as well.
I think my person was easier to fnd in the print source. I found my person in the encyclopedia of world biography second edition volume 12. There was 2 pages of useful information on Satchel paige. When I tried to use the internet there were a couple websites that looked a little weird to me. They didn't have any other links on their page. I didn't know to trust the information or if the information was accurate.
I think you should explore a variety of resources while doing research. Because you can look for the same information on the electronic and print. If it's both there it's going to be true.If you're not to sure about something you could cross check with one another. If you're not sure about electronic use print, and vice versa.
Jtrafton i don't agree that print is more informatoinal, i think print has more accurate information.
I thought electronic was much easier then print sources. I think this was because when I looked in the resources I found no information about my person in the print resources. But he was all over the internet and all I needed to do is type in what I needed to know and all the information showed up. I think this might have been the case because my person was a pro wrestler and is probably more commonly found on the internet on things like wrestling sites rather than in a book. I don't think it is important to explore a variety of resources because I think if you can find all the info you need in one resource you shouldn't have to check another for the same information.
I feel that print is easier to find the information and most of the time you don't have to check validity of your source because most publishing houses don't want the bad reputation of publishing fasle informatoin, not to mention the money they would loose. With internet anyone can post anything on the internet and validity is very questionable.
When I was researching my person, Maria Tallchief, i found that electronic sources were the best. I found this because when we were looking in print sources i looked in 2 series of the encyclopedia, biography books about famous entertainers, famous females, and several other reference books and she wasn't in there. It was a lot of work for really much of nothing. But when I turned to electronic sources all I had to was type in MARIA TALLCHIEF to a search engine and loads of sources and websites came up in a matter of seconds. The only thing you have to worry about is the sites being reliable and non-biased. But i found the most useful to be electronic sources.
I think that print material is better than electronic materials because a lot of websites are bias. This means that the website might give you false information. a lot of websites you can edit and put whatever you feel like which would cause other viewers to probably get false information. If I have a biography or print reference of my person it would be better because it probably have better detail and it would be faster because I can look in the index for information
When I was researching George Washington I found that print resources and electronic was very similar in how much I was affective with it. For example, George Washington was the first president so he was involved in the government which means that there were ".gov" websites on him. Therefore these sites were reliable and free of bias. The print resources that I used were also good resources but I preferred the electronic more because it was easier to find information on him.
My oerson was easier to find in the print. I am used to using the internet and getting information fast but most of the time it's not useful. For print i find the information fairly easy and and alot of useful information right in front of me.
my person was easier to find electronical because the print information was a little outdated. Where the electronic resources were very recent and gave me much more detial then in then in the book.
I love to use print more than electroic stuff because its more accurate. So it would waste your time going through web page after web page trying to figure out if its right or not instead of taking a day or to actually getting the information than not.
I agree with Mwelborn I do think that that print resources is easier to find and to check with than in print recources.When I was researching Jack medelbaum I could not find any print recourses except for the book I already had but when I went on to the computer I found that there is more info about him that I didn’t see in my book and it was easier to find specific dates and specific birthdays that was very important as Mwelborn had said.
it was easy to find Milton hershey in a book but it was easier to find him in an electronic source because its faster and has more varity of information
My person was easy to find in both print and electronic resource. The print resource was more conveniant because its very hard to tell weither or not the information online is true or not. But when it comes to print material, you can tell by look at the resource website the author used.
Clara Schumann was easy to find on the internet, but i liked using the book better. On the internet, I found specific dates of events in Clara's life. to me, the book was easier to read. it was a story of her life. the internet was just a bunch of facts that didn't seem interesting. it was hard to me to focus on reading the information from the internet. I think that the internet had more information and specific dates than the book because the internet site was by more than one person. Maybe the people could work together and figure out the dates. plus, the internet site was based on a jouranal/diary her and her father kept together. in this journal the dates were all written so the people who wrtoe the site had proof of when everything happened.
Ida B. Wells-Barnett was relatively easy to find in both print and electronic resources. This is possibly because she was somewhat well-known because she formed many groups that either helped or stood up for African Americans. For example, the Negroe Fellowship League which Wells was president of took a stand against illegal lynchings that were taking place everywhere.
overall I think that finding information on and about"harriet tubman"is easier in print source. I think that print resources is easire because if you looking in a book about where she lived(for example) its right there unlike when your on internet you have too look thought many many websites to find the exact.informantion,because depending on what website your on many people can just go on thaht website and change whatever they want.Dont get me wong..internet helps in finding information too but,me honestly prefers print resources!
I think that when doing resource it is helpful to explore different resources. this wasy, you can be sure the information is correct. you can compare the information and see if it matches. also, there might be information you can find that one resource didn't tell you.
on my research I found using my book ("the diary of a young girl"), was the most resourceful thing. Although using the computer was so easy to check my facts. The only print I used besides my book was the encyclopedia which told me everything I already knew, but that helped me make sure it was right. So, all in all, for finding info on Anne Frank I would say using print or electronic, it wouldn't matter. They both gave me a handful of information. But, the computer gave me more about Anne Frank than the encyclopedia, so I guess the computer was more helpful. Anne Frank was and is a popular person so I bet many people know about her so either resource would be just fine..
When using print sources I found information about Jim Thorpe more easily than with using electronic sources. I think this is because he lived a long time ago and it's harder to find things about him using electronic sources because of this.
My person was definitely easier to find using print materials, because the internet is a lot faster and you can find information with a click of a button. Where as, with a book, you have to read through it and that can take a while.
it was easy to find John Lennon in electronic materials, but i found more information in print materials. I think the reason why is because John Lennon and the baetles are from an older time period and Print material was a little more free of bias.
My person was easier to find on the internet then in the library. i think this was the case because maybe not many people want to know about my person as much as i do.i do think it is helpful to explore a variety of resources when doing research.
I personally found print research very hard to find on my seemingly obscure person. My person Manjiro was stranded on an island for 5 months and later became the first Japanese person to live in America. He also helped the Americans get the Japanese to open their ports with them.
I obviously found my biography on him, but i couldn't find him in any other print material.
While using the internet though, i found very detailed sites, with lots of information on my person. Which is completely different then trying to find him in print material.
T. hines, the reason you’re having so much trouble finding john Lennon info on the web is because john Lennon has many fan clubs and sites. If you want to find electronic info on him though, search on You can usually find a bio on the artist there. But personally I found print resources to be key, because the internet just gives you some background info and a picture. Books go in depth.
My person was easier to find in a electronic source. I think this happened beacause im used to using the internet and it was easier to find and faster than using the print source.
I think that electronic sources are more easier to use than print sources because on electronic sources it is much easier than reading a entire book and trying to find out what parts in the book are the important information. On the internet it mostly tells you all the important deatails that you need to know about that person. Another reason why I like electronic sources better than print resources is because it is more fun. You can look up information on the internet and it is more interesting than reading a entire book of information and picking out little bits and pieces of information that you think would be important to put in your bioigraphy.
I feel that Electronic Material is more productive with my person (Captain Scott O' Grady)than print because on onne of the sites i found that he was posting himsel f.
I noticed that many of you found success in using both print and electronic resources. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas as to why and how they impact your research in different ways. Happy blogging!
Was your person easier to find in print a print source or electronic source? Why do you think this was the case?
Do you think it's helpful to explore a variety of resources when doing research? Why or why not?
I feel that my person was easirer to find in a electronic source. I think this because i could only find Rosa parks in i book in the print sources and i found whole pages of facts and stuff on rosa parks.
When I was researching Louis Armstrong, I found that print and electronis resources were about equally helpful. The reason is probably that he is really popular, so there's alot of people who write about him.
adv:have to read it all which you get more from
Disadvantage:look through a lot of books so they're harder to find.
adv: there's a lot of information on the internet by many people, you dopnt have to look very far
Disadvantage:you have to be careful what you read because people can post anything they want online so it might not be true.
I preffered electronic materials over Print because it was easier to find and I could check the information with other sources easier. Also it was easier ro find specific information like bating averages and dates.
i think my person was easier to find on the computer so electronic sorce. I know this because there were many sites on nat turner that were used by the government and other things.
My person was eaier to find in electronic material because there was alot more things about him than there would be in a book
EX. Book had like 1 page of Gary Paulsen and like !) pages of J.K Rowling
BUT.. In electronic material i was able to find plenty of things i needed to know about him
i feel that my person was way easier finding things on the computer for becuasethey were more updated and the books were harder!
I think it is help full to explore a varity of resources because you dont know if the resources are bias or are not bias. IT is also good because you could compare many different resources
i preffered eletronic because i find the information you want comes in alot faster and there is also alot of source's of information on the internet. while in print it is very boring and pale.I think you should stay to one resource when doing a project. I think this because other things may take you're subject off and mess you up.
For my person i could find it under both print and electronic i say this because it took me about 2 mins to find a book on Aaliyah and about 4 mins to find her on the internet maybe it's because she died i don't know but it was easy.
I honestly fon't really like this question more then the others but oh well. My person Annie Oakley was to my opinion easier to find on a computer. I think this b/c the computer is easier and faster find info. then books a stuff, but the computer can be a tricky resource b/c anyone can write anything the want at anytime and anybody can read and bielieve it.
That is why it is good to use both resources.
Researching J.K. Rowling was easier on the internet than in the library. She is very new in the entertaining world so books were not updated. Also, on the internet there were many sites about Harry Potter which was distracting. But i still found the internet easier.
While researching Woodrow Wilson I found that electronic material was better than print material because it is faster.
My person was easier to find in print because it had everything i needed for the project. Yes I think it is a varietey to do different kind of research because it can say one thing in the internet and one thing in print
I read about Adolf Hitler. It appeared that print resources were more effective for finding information. I needed alot of detail for my subject because not alot of people know the logistics of his actions and view-points. Print resources would tend to be more detailed, and they proved the more logical choice for my research subject.
I think that electronic resoures was easier because i found all my stuff on my people.
My person was easier to find on the internet than in a print source probably because people find it easier to put something on the internet than write a book about one person. I think it's a good idea to use a different variety of resources because you can find different things on a person. You can most likely find more in a book, and you know that it's not going to be untrue, but it's faster to go on the internet and look someone up.
I think using the print was easier to use to research queen elizabeth II beacuse in the print the information would be correct than in the internet. In the internet people could say what ever they want to say about her while in the print they would have to say what's true espicially if the queen was to read it.
As I researched Firoozeh Dumas I thought the electronic resource was more successful for my boigraphy. I found out more about my person because in the print resource i found information but there was not alot of detail about certain events that my author has experienced.
My biography person i think was easir to find in print material rather than electronic sources. This is because on the internet alot of pages come up and it might not be the information you are looking for. Also the information on the internet is very time consuming and you might have to go through alot of pages to get what your looking for. In the text you could look through the index or glossary to find what your looking for. Its also more conveniant.
Steve Irwin is an interesting person. When I was researching him I thought that he was easier to find out about in electronic because they had many non-biased pages.
I feel that my person was easy to find on the computer but hard to find what exactly i needed. Like when i was trying to look up a quote that he made about his book all this stuff kept coming up about his different types of books. so i think it kind of was hard but then it got easier.
Electronic helped me alot more because the shark attacked didnt happen that long ago so there wasnt alot of books. But on the internet there was alot of things i could read about her because she was all over the internet when it happened, but i really enjoyed reading about her.
Shockingly I liked print better because it gave me more information.
i found out that prin is easier to look for and had all i needed to find my research.i dont like the electronic because when you go on the computer you can get false stuff and with print it is the real deal.
Overall I think that print is more informational than than electronic because when you use electonic materials you dont get as accurate information as you would when you use a print resource.I like print more because i love to read and when you use the internet you get all kinds of info. vs. print where there is only one source.
My person was easier to find on the internet because I grew up on books and am finding that the internet is more vast and simpler
;) :0 :)
In my opinion, it was easier and more informative to find information using electronic resources more than print. I think this is because electronic can be updated everytime something new happens with the person, while with print once its printed its there and can't be changed.
I thought that my person was easier to find during the electronic research source because there wasn't many books that I could find on Princess Diana. When I got on the computer I was able to find more about Diana.
I think that electronic sorces
are better than print recorces because if you have a unique person like mine, theres a chance that the books here won't have your person. the web offers more resorses and a bigger comunity of people
i found that my person was easier to find my person using electronic resources because there was much more info on abraham lincoln on the web than there was in my biography or all the printed resources in the library. Typing Abe lincoln on google showed over 9 million websites and stuff.
aj foyt was easier to find on the internet because it is more vast.
yes i think its helpful to explore a variety of resources when doing research because you can compare what different resources have to say about the topic and see how different or similar each resource is.
My person was easier to find in print electronic resources because the print recources did'nt have Jack mendelbaum in print very much only had other teenagers that was in the Halocaust.
my person was easier to find in print resources because my person is dead and has been that way for a long time 53 years therefore there has been lots of time to make books about him
I think electronic was easier than print, because the information came a lot faster and quicker to read. the internet sums the infromation up so you can understand all the information faster and quicker. Than if you were to us a print materials. I rather use electronic materials. Also it is fun to use and a book is boring to read. and more kids like to read stuff off the computer than to sit down and read a book.
I truly think that electronic research is better because I tried finding Steve Young in print and I didn't find anything on my topic. When I typed in Steve Young in the Google and I found and the website told me everything about Steve Young
While researching Elizabeth Blackwell, I found it easier to find her in various print resources. I mainly used the encyclopedias and my biography to find my information. Elizabeth Blackwell died about ninety eight years ago, so that was a pretty long time ago. She made history and was famous for being the first woman doctor, so a lot of people would want to write about her. I checked in all of the encyclopedias and she was in all of them. The internet is big and sometimes hard to find information on, because there is just so much of it. The encyclopedias are right there and have specific information for a specific subject. Even though I liked the print resources a lot more than the electronic resources, I think it is important to use both of them. There could be information that one resource has that the other does not. The internet usually has more updated information as well, so it is important to use that as well.
I think my person was easier to fnd in the print source. I found my person in the encyclopedia of world biography second edition volume 12. There was 2 pages of useful information on Satchel paige. When I tried to use the internet there were a couple websites that looked a little weird to me. They didn't have any other links on their page. I didn't know to trust the information or if the information was accurate.
I think you should explore a variety of resources while doing research. Because you can look for the same information on the electronic and print. If it's both there it's going to be true.If you're not to sure about something you could cross check with one another. If you're not sure about electronic use print, and vice versa.
Jtrafton i don't agree that print is more informatoinal, i think print has more accurate information.
I thought electronic was much easier then print sources. I think this was because when I looked in the resources I found no information about my person in the print resources. But he was all over the internet and all I needed to do is type in what I needed to know and all the information showed up. I think this might have been the case because my person was a pro wrestler and is probably more commonly found on the internet on things like wrestling sites rather than in a book. I don't think it is important to explore a variety of resources because I think if you can find all the info you need in one resource you shouldn't have to check another for the same information.
I feel that print is easier to find the information and most of the time you don't have to check validity of your source because most publishing houses don't want the bad reputation of publishing fasle informatoin, not to mention the money they would loose. With internet anyone can post anything on the internet and validity is very questionable.
When I was researching my person, Maria Tallchief, i found that electronic sources were the best. I found this because when we were looking in print sources i looked in 2 series of the encyclopedia, biography books about famous entertainers, famous females, and several other reference books and she wasn't in there. It was a lot of work for really much of nothing. But when I turned to electronic sources all I had to was type in MARIA TALLCHIEF to a search engine and loads of sources and websites came up in a matter of seconds. The only thing you have to worry about is the sites being reliable and non-biased. But i found the most useful to be electronic sources.
I think that print material is better than electronic materials because a lot of websites are bias. This means that the website might give you false information. a lot of websites you can edit and put whatever you feel like which would cause other viewers to probably get false information. If I have a biography or print reference of my person it would be better because it probably have better detail and it would be faster because I can look in the index for information
I think my person was easier to find in electronic resource because my person is very popular because he created the hershey bar.
When I was researching George Washington I found that print resources and electronic was very similar in how much I was affective with it. For example, George Washington was the first president so he was involved in the government which means that there were ".gov" websites on him. Therefore these sites were reliable and free of bias. The print resources that I used were also good resources but I preferred the electronic more because it was easier to find information on him.
My oerson was easier to find in the print. I am used to using the internet and getting information fast but most of the time it's not useful. For print i find the information fairly easy and and alot of useful information right in front of me.
my person was easier to find electronical because the print information was a little outdated. Where the electronic resources were very recent and gave me much more detial then in then in the book.
I love to use print more than electroic stuff because its more accurate. So it would waste your time going through web page after web page trying to figure out if its right or not instead of taking a day or to actually getting the information than not.
I agree with Mwelborn I do think that that print resources is easier to find and to check with than in print recources.When I was researching Jack medelbaum I could not find any print recourses except for the book I already had but when I went on to the computer I found that there is more info about him that I didn’t see in my book and it was easier to find specific dates and specific birthdays that was very important as Mwelborn had said.
it was easy to find Milton hershey in a book but it was easier to find him in an electronic source because its faster and has more varity of information
My person was easy to find in both print and electronic resource. The print resource was more conveniant because its very hard to tell weither or not the information online is true or not. But when it comes to print material, you can tell by look at the resource website the author used.
Clara Schumann was easy to find on the internet, but i liked using the book better. On the internet, I found specific dates of events in Clara's life. to me, the book was easier to read. it was a story of her life. the internet was just a bunch of facts that didn't seem interesting. it was hard to me to focus on reading the information from the internet. I think that the internet had more information and specific dates than the book because the internet site was by more than one person. Maybe the people could work together and figure out the dates. plus, the internet site was based on a jouranal/diary her and her father kept together. in this journal the dates were all written so the people who wrtoe the site had proof of when everything happened.
Ida B. Wells-Barnett was relatively easy to find in both print and electronic resources. This is possibly because she was somewhat well-known because she formed many groups that either helped or stood up for African Americans. For example, the Negroe Fellowship League which Wells was president of took a stand against illegal lynchings that were taking place everywhere.
overall I think that finding information on and about"harriet tubman"is easier in print source. I think that print resources is easire because if you looking in a book about where she lived(for example) its right there unlike when your on internet you have too look thought many many websites to find the exact.informantion,because depending on what website your on many people can just go on thaht website and change whatever they want.Dont get me wong..internet helps in finding information too but,me honestly prefers print resources!
I think that when doing resource it is helpful to explore different resources. this wasy, you can be sure the information is correct. you can compare the information and see if it matches. also, there might be information you can find that one resource didn't tell you.
on my research I found using my book ("the diary of a young girl"), was the most resourceful thing. Although using the computer was so easy to check my facts. The only print I used besides my book was the encyclopedia which told me everything I already knew, but that helped me make sure it was right. So, all in all, for finding info on Anne Frank I would say using print or electronic, it wouldn't matter. They both gave me a handful of information. But, the computer gave me more about Anne Frank than the encyclopedia, so I guess the computer was more helpful. Anne Frank was and is a popular person so I bet many people know about her so either resource would be just fine..
When using print sources I found information about Jim Thorpe more easily than with using electronic sources. I think this is because he lived a long time ago and it's harder to find things about him using electronic sources because of this.
My person was definitely easier to find using print materials, because the internet is a lot faster and you can find information with a click of a button. Where as, with a book, you have to read through it and that can take a while.
it was easy to find John Lennon in electronic materials, but i found more information in print materials. I think the reason why is because John Lennon and the baetles are from an older time period and Print material was a little more free of bias.
My person was easier to find on the internet then in the library. i think this was the case because maybe not many people want to know about my person as much as i do.i do think it is helpful to explore a variety of resources when doing research.
I personally found print research very hard to find on my seemingly obscure person.
My person Manjiro was stranded on an island for 5 months and later became the first Japanese person to live in America. He also helped the Americans get the Japanese to open their ports with them.
I obviously found my biography on him, but i couldn't find him in any other print material.
While using the internet though, i found very detailed sites, with lots of information on my person. Which is completely different then trying to find him in print material.
i think that my biography subject was easier to find info on ,using electronic material.i say this b/c the web has many topics and its quicker to use
i like the internet because its eaiser,and more exciting.
T. hines, the reason you’re having so much trouble finding john Lennon info on the web is because john Lennon has many fan clubs and sites. If you want to find electronic info on him though, search on You can usually find a bio on the artist there.
But personally I found print resources to be key, because the internet just gives you some background info and a picture. Books go in depth.
My person was easier to find in a electronic source. I think this happened beacause im used to using the internet and it was easier to find and faster than using the print source.
I think that electronic sources are more easier to use than print sources because on electronic sources it is much easier than reading a entire book and trying to find out what parts in the book are the important information. On the internet it mostly tells you all the important deatails that you need to know about that person. Another reason why I like electronic sources better than print resources is because it is more fun. You can look up information on the internet and it is more interesting than reading a entire book of information and picking out little bits and pieces of information that you think would be important to put in your bioigraphy.
I feel that Electronic Materials is best for my person because with these materials i can directly get infomation fast and correct.
I feel that Electronic Material is more productive with my person (Captain Scott O' Grady)than print because on onne of the sites i found that he was posting himsel
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